Street portraits

Imagine me, summoning all my courage to approach total strangers and ask to take their picture. It's a bit like convincing a cat to take a bath—challenging, nerve-wracking, and possibly messy. But I'm diving into this sea of social discomfort with just a camera and a smile.



I captured this portrait of a friendly gentleman who works as a gardener while accompanying my son to a photo shoot. My son, who is studying to become a professional photographer, was conducting a portrait session with the park's owner. The park allows people to plant trees in memory of deceased children, infants, and now, for other departed loved ones as well. The gardener readily agreed when I requested to take his portrait, posing for me with his electric saw. Loved how he looked like a musician the way he carried his earmuffs and held his tool like a guitar.


Introducing my son Liam, my partner in photography crime. We were out capturing moments on the streets of our hometown. The weather was chilly, and both of us were in need of a cup of coffee. Liam expressed his desire to capture a portrait of me using his Konica Hexar 35mm film camera. Contemplating the best approach with the 35mm lens on the Hexar, he sought my input. As I was also shooting with a 35mm, I suggested a method, saying, "Maybe you can do it like this." I positioned him in what I deemed a favorable spot, set the aperture wide open, and moved in close to generate some bokeh in the background. After taking the shot, I showed him the portrait on my LCD screen. He liked it, adopted the same technique for my portrait, and also explored some other creative ideas.

The building in the background formed an L shape, mirroring his initial. Surprisingly, I had completely overlooked this detail while taking the picture.

Coachman in Delft

While shooting in Delft, there were some coaches with horses on the large central marketplace. One coachman had such a distinctive face that I couldn't resist asking for permission to take a picture.

More to follow…